Product management training is great, but the only way you really learn the skills is by immediately applying them.
Practice makes perfect! Our structured full-stack product management lectures are paired with real customer research, real writing, and real building.
Get your reps in 💪
In the Lab's program gives you tools to learn and then opportunities to apply the learning. We spend 2 hours each week together going over a core product manager concept, including a collaborative exercise. Outside this synchonous session, you're on your own to do the weekly "homework" and meet with your team on your product build activities.
Total weekly time committment is between 4 and 6 hours for about 13 weeks.
In the Lab runs 3 times per year
At this time, In the Lab costs $0 for cohort participants.
If you're willing and able to financially chip in, we accept donations through our Ko-Fi .
In the Lab gives our cohorts a solid understanding of product management concepts, from problem space definition to wireframes to requirements to go-to-market. Here's what we cover in 13 weeks:
What is product management and class intro.
Customer research and discovery best practices.
Build a business case and establish product goals.
Including an overview of Figma.
PRDs, one-pagers, requirements, use cases, and user stories.
How to gauge if you're on the right path with your product design.
Break down big product ideas into phases.
The building blocks of software engineering and how to learn more.
How and what to measure, including an intro to leading tools.
Overview of the different kinds of roadmaps and when to use them for best effect.
How to ship your product and get it to the market, including some pricing and packaging concepts.
Some resume tips and workshopping session to review resumes and talk about job search.
Final product presentation to a panel of product leaders and experts.
Completing the In the Lab program means doing all the work and building a real product. Upon completion, you'll get:
A real certificate of completion, for your portfolio or LinkedIn page
A certification badge to show employers that you are qualified for their product roles.
Benefit from the In the Lab connections to get warm introductions to hiring managers.
The final presentation and product you create is ready for use in interviews and to send to hiring managers.
If you're interested in the space, but not sure what it is, please refer to these great explainers!
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We got your request! We'll be in touch soon!
Due to overwhelming demand, the application is temporarily closed and we are no longer accepting applications for Cohort 3.